"We had about 60 tornados in the state of North Carolina this week. Several in our area too. They are figuring about an F3 that just barely missed our apartment. It was so close to us that we had RV parts strewn about in the parking lot in front of our apartment. Our apartment is on the second story and when it came close, we decided it was time to flea to a giant brick building called the "church". We figured, if we die, then we couldn't die in a better spot, right?"
So, Elder AJ continues with humor in the midst of disaster. Holding their own, the missionaries press forward. Half of the missionaires have been called to service projects with those that have lost their homes and properties in the disaster and the other half continues to teach. We keep the people in southern states in our prayers and ask the Lord to give them strength and courage!
The missionaries continue to work and Elder AJ relates that the Baptist seminary students give them "a run for their money." They have to decipher between bogus referrals and real ones, as the seminary students send referrals to get them tied up with them instead of teaching those who are ready to hear. They think things have slowed down and hope their time can be better spent in the coming days.
"The members feed us great out here, just call me the pillsbury doughboy. Just call my stomach the danish roll, LOL. So Monday we went and played soccer with a family, that was a blast. Their 12 year old son went tracking with us and even talked with the people. What a stud! The mission is a roller coaster, but I will tell you what...I am going to cry like a baby that just got spanked when I have to leave the members here. On the 30th we will have a chance to meet with Richard G. Scott. Everyone is super excited, so I will tell you how that goes."
"There is no obstacle to great, no challenge too difficult if we have faith." - Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley